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Take Back Your Life Program

Take Back Your Life Program


Take Back Your Life - A spiritual life skills program based on "The Laws of Spirit"

Mentored by Joanne Roberts


Our lives are made up of experiences & choices that enable us to recognize where we are investing our energy in life. As we begin to become more aware of chronic issues, heartbreaks and lack of balance in our lives; the process of awareness & change begins.


In "Take Back Your Life" we will introduce the laws of spirit that will empower participants to create change in their lives. From the Law of Cause & Effect to the gift of Non-Attachment, this introduction to universal laws will liberate and put you back in the driver's seat of your life.

This program will be interactive and requires commitment to a group experience.


This program will support participants to:

- Recognize the power of choice in all aspects of our lives

- Understand that negative behavioural patterns are our unwillingness to grow & change

- Identify that any crisis in life is an opportunity to evolve the self

- Trust the process of life experiences

- Create a new future from a consciousness perspective


A mentor will:

- Act as a guide and provide feedback

- Show you a different way to approach issues in your life

- Remain objective to support your own personal growth


Program Outline:

Ten Interactive Evening Sessions at Cornerstones Wellness Centre and a two-Day Workshop with Paula Amorim.

Required reading: "Laws of Spirit" by Dan Millman 

For Registration contact:

Tel: 250-627-7255 Email:

Limited seating available, pre-register by phone/email or in person.


Ocean Centre Mall #371 - 309 West 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, BC V8J 3T1 Canada


Tel: 250-627-7255

Fax: 250-627-7256

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Business Hours:

Monday to Friday - 7:30am to 5:00pm

Saturday & Sunday - Closed

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